Do you hate pedophiles, kidnappers, rapists, porn producers, and child sex traffickers?

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 13, 2017, 3:27 P.M. CST

In 2011, I published a book based upon extensive interviews I conducted with key figures in a national profile kidnapping case.

It turned out I had interviewed operatives of a child sex trafficking operation that were identifying themselves as clergy, police, and federal agents, including CIA and FBI.

My book was comprised of actual quotes from my interviews and included information about the Minneapolis FBI and Jacksonville FBI who interviewed me and requested some of my audio.

My book was/is legally rock solid and the CIA pedophile monsters could not challenge the book in any civil court – I have never been sued.

So what the Pedogaters did – was – they used an operative to file for an ‘Order For Protection Against Domestic Violence’ in a Divorce (DVCE) court by a person I never personally met in my life in a State where I had not been.

It was issued by a Shadow Government judge at a hearing I did not attend because of death threats.

The Shadow Government judge issued an Order against me (my person) that declared I had to remove all material I had published on the Web (violation of the U.S. Constitution) – and I am not allowed to advertise the book on my website or I will be arrested and put in jail.

Yes – my book was declared an act of ‘domestic violence’ in a divorce court regarding someone I ad never met.

Imagine - all that trouble by the CIA over little ol' me.

That said…

Switching gears…

Onto another subject…

* * * * *

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